Statement of Policy
The Glenmavis Group places the highest priority on providing and maintaining working conditions, equipment and systems of work, which are safe and healthy for all our employees, and to provide information, training and supervision sufficient to maintain safety. We also accept our responsibility for health and safety of persons other than employees who may be affected by our activities.
The arrangements for implementing this policy and the particular duties of persons for safety matters are specified within the policy.
Our policy will be revised in the light of changes in circumstances of our business or amendments in the law. The effectiveness of this policy will be periodically reviewed and updated.
To whom does the policy apply?
- Job applicants and potential applicants
- Employees
- Contract workers
- Agency workers
- Trainee workers and students on work experience or placements
- Volunteer workers
- Former employees
- Sub contractors
To ensure the principles of health and safety are clearly understood throughout the Glenmavis Group we will be committed to:
- Ensuring that there are arrangements put into place for the effective planning, development and review of all our health and safety policies
- Ensuring that appropriate systems are developed and maintained for the effective communication of health and safety matters throughout the Glenmavis Group
- Protecting the safety and health of all employees by preventing work-related injuries, ill health, disease and incidents
- Complying with the relevant health and safety laws and regulations, voluntary programmes, collective agreements on health and safety and other requirements to which the Glenmavis Group subscribes
- Ensuring that employees and their representatives are consulted and encouraged to participate actively in all elements of the health and safety management system
- Continually improving the performance of the health and safety management system
- Provide the necessary information, instruction and training to employees and others, including temporary employees to ensure their competence with respect to health and safety
- Devote the necessary resources in the form of finance, equipment, personnel and time to ensure the health and safety of employees. Expert help will be sought where necessary skills are not available within the company
- Liaise and work with all necessary persons to ensure health and safety, and will also ensure the adequate arrangements are also in place for ensuring the health and safety of visitors
The Glenmavis Group comprises of several individual companies. These companies are responsible for providing their specific services in completely different working environments.
As such, it is impossible to provide a health & safety policy that is sufficiently detailed for the entire Glenmavis Group. Instead, each individual company will have it's own health & safety policy tailored to their unique environments and risk factors.
All employees, contract workers, agency workers, trainees, volunteers and sub contractors will be provided with details of the health & safety policy relevant to the company they are working for.
Glenmavis Kerbing
A health & safety policy has been developed specifically for Glenmavis Kerbing.
Glenmavis Traffic Management Ltd
Glenmavis Traffic Management is supported by the RBS Mentor scheme. A detailed health & safety policy has been produced for our operations.
The health & safety policies for all the companies in the Glenmavis Group are available on request. Please contact us for more information if you would like to view these.