Personal Protective Equipment Policy

Version 1.5
Effective Date 05/09/2022


Statement of Policy

The purpose of the Personal Protective Equipment Policy is to protect the employees of the Glenmavis Group from exposure to work place hazards and the risk of injury through the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). PPE is not a substitute for more effective control methods and its use will be considered only when other means of protection against hazards are not adequate or feasible. It will be used in conjunction with other controls unless no other means of hazard control exist.

Personal protective equipment will be provided, used, and maintained when it has been determined that its use is required to ensure the safety and health of our employees and that such use will lessen the likelihood of occupational injury and/or illness.

To whom does the policy apply?

  • Employees
  • Contract workers
  • Agency workers
  • Trainee workers and students on work experience or placements
  • Volunteer workers

Supply of Personal Protective Equipment

The Glenmavis Group has conducted a number of risk assessment based on our standard working environments. For these conditions appropriate personal protected equipment as already been identified. Employees working in these conditions will be issued with the appropriate equipment.

In non-standard working environments a full risk assessment will be performed before work commences to ascertain the personal protective equipment required for this environment. Once complete, employees working in these conditions will be issued with the appropriate equipment.

Training on use of Personal Protective Equipment

Any worker required to wear PPE will receive training in the proper use and care of PPE before being allowed to perform work requiring the use of PPE. Periodic retraining will be offered to PPE users as needed. The training will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following subjects:

  • When PPE is necessary to be worn
  • What PPE is necessary
  • How to properly don, doff, adjust, and wear PPE
  • The limitations of the PPE
  • The proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of the PPE

Storage of Personal Protective Equipment

PPE should be stored in such a manner that it is protected from factors which might degrade its performance. These factors include sunlight, heat, extreme cold, excessive moisture, chemicals, dust and physical distortion.

Employees will be provided guidance and in-house training on how to safely store their PPE. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring users are safely storing their PPE whilst it is not in use.

Maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment

It is important that all PPE be kept clean and properly maintained. Employees must inspect, clean, and maintain their PPE according to the manufacturers’ instructions before and after each use. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that users properly maintain their PPE in good condition.

Personal protective equipment must not be shared between employees until it has been properly cleaned and sanitized. PPE will be distributed for individual use whenever possible.

Defective or damaged PPE will not be used and will be immediately discarded and replaced.

Defective PPE

Defective equipment can be worse than no PPE at all. Employees would avoid a hazardous situation if they knew they were not protected; but they would get closer to the hazard if they erroneously believed they were protected, and therefore would be at greater risk.


This policy has been accepted by the Glenmavis Group and authorised to take effect from 05/09/2022.

Hugh Smith
Hugh Smith
James Smith
James Smith